Thursday 31 October 2013

Friday Week 3

Hi Everyone,

Wow- these stories for Episodes 10 and 11 are really coming together! Episode 9 is complete and will be posted to the school website shortly. Ryan and Dylan I will photocopy your Lucky scripts and get them to you today. Thanks Samuel and Peteru for stepping in and helping Harry & Pouniu with their sasa story for Episode 10. If people are still keen we need reporters for a Year 8 leavers story. Anyone keen? Please write it in a comment below.

Friday Organisation:

Episode 10- 
9am-9:30 Kai, Lyndsay, Georgia and Em- edit Paremata Idol story.
9am till done- Yasmine and Nyah scripting into the wiki (negotiate times if you have lots on, but this will need to be finished today. We will film this Friday Week 5 9am at the Wave TV studio).
10-10:30 am- Jake & Troy edit AFL story
11am- Emma, Ella, Phoebe, Erin (and one other?)- edit until your story is complete.
12:00 Chantelle and Abby- Edit- Uganda story.
1:30 Editing that has not been finished yet needs to be finished.

Episode 11-
8:30 am- Ben & Hayden photographing road patrol. 
9am-10:30- Morgan & Emma edit scripting story
9am- Jesper and Weston storyboarding and organising the iMovie story ready to shoot after morning tea on Friday Week 5.
9am- Finn and Nic- let me know where you are at with your animation story.
10:30 Kai & Ryan film a sequence of haka actions in the hall. Whaea Tia will support you.
11:00 Ben & Hayden start editing the road patrol story.
12:00 Milly and Emily film storyboarding story in the library. Come to me at 11:00 to let me know what is happening or leave a comment below. Jesper and Weston to crew.
1:30pm- edit then interview Bryce at 2:00. Arrive 5 minutes early with Jesper and Weston, your WTV crew.

Thanks! See you this Friday. Remember there is NO Wave TV in Week 4. Thanks, Caroline.


  1. ok see you 2morrow at 12

  2. Sweet as, Chenthi and I have to edit the Jump rope for heart story at 1:30, you said that this afternoon, so are we able to get in first straight after lunch to edit our story? Also, I dont think we eventually found the footage of us skipping so we might need to pop that in somewhere, Chenthi, if you did find it in Cam 2 and uploaded it with the other stuff could you please let me know.
    The only other thing I can think of is Cyzck and I quickly meeting up sometime to go over the script for ep 11 and editing it, for that we will either need a library computer or any lappy that connects to WIFI properly, most likley a library computer so that others can use the laptops for editing, uploading, etc... Cyzck, pleaqse let me know a time slot that suits you, best for me is in the morning or about 2:00pm seeing as we have the 2nd languages shared lunch and I have writers group (which I didn't go to last week) after MT. Please let me know through a comment below.
    Also Caroline, as I just mentioned, the year 7&8s have all of their 2nd languages shared lunch after MT so I'm guessing that everyone that has paid their money will be wanting to go to that.

    Thanks, Melissa

    1. u r very organized Melissa :)

    2. Sounds great Melissa. I'd forgotten all about the shared lunches. I'm not sure about the year 8 leavers story yet.

    3. Also- the white pappy is probably fine for you to use. 1:30 is a perfect time got you to edit :) well done for being so organised.

    4. Lappy, not pappy! My phone autocorrects with illogical words.

    5. I hate it when it does that, once, I was typeing goodness and the ipod autocorrected it to goddess, and I was so confused, goodness is a word!
      Also, I haven't put in the story of the year 8 leavers in the ep 11 script, I did, however, at the end say; and good luck to the year 8s that are off to college in 2014! Does that cover it enough?
      Ill speak to you this morning at school.

    6. I hate that. I tried commenting with my dad's phone, but it's slow so it is faster to do it on the computer

    7. I'm not sure what will happen with the leaver story. That a good way to handle it for now.

  3. ok sounds good see you tommorow and chantelle you got into the speech comp well done iknow my punctuation isnt good im rushing see you tommorow

    1. thanks Milly, :) <3 u r sooooooooooooooooo nice

  4. Ok see you tommorow

  5. Hi Caroline. It is good that we have no Wave TV this week as I am going to get my adenoids out on Thursday. Wish me luck! :-D :/

    1. Good luck! I wish you a speedy recovery Chantelle. See you in Week 5 :)


Please remember to add your name to comments by clicking name/ url in the drop down comments box. Then we know who you are. Thanks, Caroline.