Monday 4 November 2013

Feedback Please!

Episode 9 is finally up! Well done everyone involved, you have made a fantastic effort.

It is time to hear from our viewers! We are interested in your thoughts on our episodes. Please feel free to leave comments in the comment boxes below if you have any constructive feedback or comments for us about things that are going well or things we could get better at. If you would like us to improve at something can you please write it in a positive way. We are always interested to know your ideas!

Remember to leave your name in the comment. The easiest way to do this is to scroll down the commenting options and  click 'name/URL' to leave your name. You don't need to leave a URL :)

Thanks, Caroline


  1. Very good with episode 9! The only thing is... The artsplash artworks have the first AND last names on the actual picture, we could 've covered it up with a title just saying the first name, other than thata, well done!
    See you in week 5!

  2. Hi Melissa. Good point. I was ok with leaving the surnames uncovered because there was not a picture of each student. It's definitely something to always keen in mind in terms of internet safety.

  3. Hey Caroline great episode are Ben and I okay to edit our story on Friday?

    1. Excellent! I'll see you tomorrow, Thursday.

  4. ...that is, yes Hayden, you and Ben can come over and edit first thing on Friday :)


Please remember to add your name to comments by clicking name/ url in the drop down comments box. Then we know who you are. Thanks, Caroline.