Monday, 7 May 2012

Kai: 7 interviewer characteristics

Don't ask yes or no question!
Eye contact is the key!
Be enthusiastic!
Don't ask same questions!
Change your voice while talking about different subjects!
Don't get annoyed at the person your interviewing!
Listen to the person your interviewing!


  1. its Chenthi's

  2. Don't ask the same questions more than once, even if it has rearranged words.
    keep eye contact.
    Keep your confidence in your pocket.
    Keep your enthusiasm up your sleeve.
    before you start, check your shoes for your prepared questions, no yes or no quests!
    when you are interviewing, keep eye contact and become clear.
    you must be understandable, reasonable, make sure your subject stays to your agenda!

  3. you need to be a gracious host

  4. you need to explain what you can in the body of the question without going on

  5. Replies
    1. It's not YOUR it's YOU'RE


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