Wednesday 14 August 2013

Week 3

Hi Everyone,
Congratulations to the group working on Episode 7- what creative anchors! It has been quite intense at times working in such a small group so I think you have done really well. This group have been trialling the usefulness of storyboards to help plan each story, and to help the Director and Camera person know what is needed for each shoot.

We have done a lot of experimenting with lighting the green screen. If you look on the tabs at the top of this blog you'll see a page full of green screening information. Most of it is about lighting. Once we have the lighting right it'll be time to play with effects such as flying, so there is a tutorial on how to do that on that page as well.

Episode 5 went onto the Paremata School website today. Yay! Episode 6 has everything ready except the anchors who we will shoot on Friday of Week 4. That Friday will be devoted to completing Episode 6. Episode 7 is scripted, storyboarded and filmed. There is in editing timetable in the Wave TV studio the crew are following to get it completed by the end of Friday. Well done everyone!

Thanks, Caroline

PS- remember to enter the Paremata School Gala Poster Competition!


  1. hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. yo, good organisation, Caroline!

    I am already planning my little art thingy for the gala, also, reminder to enter the Uganda art comp in which you can draw a picture representing kiwi culture. This also must be with Mrs Haswell by week 5.

    What culture is everyone representing tomorrow? Caroline-perhaps you could participate, dress up as you fav or own culture and parade around the school with everyone!

    See ya, Melissa

  3. probably dress up in a hat and say I'm Australian.

  4. Dramatic kitty (Chantelle)15 August 2013 at 19:08

    I am going to be IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am entering the gala poster art comp, wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S The Wave TV crew this week has been working realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly hard on Ep 7 so I hope you all enjoy when it comes out! All of the crew have doubled up on stories, so its been hard work.

  5. Hayden :) :) :):):):) :)16 August 2013 at 07:03

    Hey Caroline,

    Episode 5 feedback:

    Great episode only a few tiny problems.
    The credits were going too fast so I couldn't really see the people's names.
    And the anchors at the end their tops had dissapeared all you could see were the black lines of the outline of their t-shirts. But other than that great :)

    1. also no green screen on jake and abby

    2. Yes, Jake was wearing a green hat accidentally so the top of his head became invisible and it looked a little odd...

  6. Chantelle- dosn't like earthquakes.16 August 2013 at 18:15

    hi is everyone okay from the earthquake? Me and Caroline went under the computer desk.

    1. Then we adapted the earthquake story in episode 7 to make it match the reality of an earthquake. The earthquake was shocking, but actually helped Milly and Chantelle write their story!

  7. is the course still on in the arvo???????

  8. Hi it's yasmine typing from the plane from London to Sweden! I've been having a great time and I will be back in nz on about the 30th. Looking forward to seeing you guys


Please remember to add your name to comments by clicking name/ url in the drop down comments box. Then we know who you are. Thanks, Caroline.