Friday, 10 March 2017

Wave TV 2017

Thanks to the anchors, camera people and directors that came along to meet with me about the making of the first five episodes of Wave TV for 2017. As I said, I'm thinking we can maybe get three episodes out by the end of term, but maybe because you're so proactive and motivated you can influence other people. As you know, the sooner the stories come rolling in, the sooner you get to have your turn making Wave TV.

Tanika and Ruby are getting ready to start writing their anchor sequence and Lillian and Bee know what they're doing, as do all the camera people now. For Wave TV all we need to be able to do is to frame up a great head and shoulders shot. The directors know they'll keep everything in order during filming and will count in each shot. If the camera people and director want to swap around during their filming for a while to experience the other role, that's fine. The camera people and directors can view the tutorials on these pages and I'll add a few more. I have got rid of the ones that were old and not relevant. I'll pop one up on editing in iMovie as well.

Onwards and upwards! I am looking to seeing your work. Thank you for putting yourselves forward.


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