Friday, 22 November 2013

Wave TV Episodes 10 and 11

Week 7

Wave TV 2014
Thanks to all the students who have put their hands up for next year's Wave TV. I'll send permission slips home with you next Thursday and will expect them back the following Thursday at the latest. No permission slip = no Wave TV. 

Episode 10
This has gone a little slower than expected. Most of the stories are in the project and we're working on credits and final edits. We've had one or two technical malfunctions such as incompatible movies from a non-mac computer, and trouble with editing and re-editing a tricky green screen story. Two stories were made then completely disappeared so we had to re-build them from We're getting pretty good at problem solving! 

This Thursday
9-9:45- Milly & Georgie- re-build the Gala story
9:45-10:30- Chatelle & Abby- finish the Uganda story. Mrs Haswell has emailed you additional information about her photos.
11-12:00- Jake & Troy- finish music & credits
12:00 onwards- Check permissions & final edit. Send to Vimeo. Post on the school website.

Episode 11

9-9:30- Jesper & Weston- Check through iMovie story. Firmly edit. Take out the really bumpy bits and make sure the overall message is clear for viewers.
9:30-10:30- Finn & Nic- Finish animation and build the story in iMovie.
11-11:30- Edit down the road patrol story.
11:30- 12:30- Kapa haka- Edit, edit, edit...
1:30 onwards. Final edits and tweaking.

Thanks to Jake & Troy for the music they've been creating for opening and closing episodes. It's great to see so many people such as Chenthi, Yasmine & Em creating their own creative background music in Garageband.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Friday 21st November

Here is the plan for Friday, Week 6:

Editing for Episode 10 (silver lappy)
9:00 - 9:30  Em & Harry- Sasa
9:30-10 Chantelle & Abby- Uganda 
10-10:30 Milly & Georgie- Paremata Gala- Check intro etc.
11:00 - 12:30- Yasmine & Nyah
1:30 - 2:00- Isaac & Jay Speech comps news flash
2:00- 3:00 Bloopers, credits. Check all permissions.

Send to Vimeo. Then post to the school website.

Editing etc. for Episode 11 (Big mac)
9:00-10:00 Nic & Finn film intro & complete animation
9:30- 10:30 Ryan & Kai filming kapa haka
9:00-10:00 Jesper & Weston
10-10:30 Ryan A & Dylan edit piglet story
Morning tea
11:00- 11:30 Morgan & Emma edit scripting story
11:30- 12:30 Ryan & Kai edit kapa haka story
1:30- 3pm whoever hasn't completed yet
Please leave a comment below so I know you have read the blog.
Thanks, Caroline

Friday, 15 November 2013

Thursday, Week 6

Here is the plan for Thursday, Week 6:

Editing for Episode 10 (silver lappy)
9:00 - 9:30 Melissa & Chenthi- Jump rope for Heart
9:30 - 10:30 Emma, Ella, Emilee, Erin & Phoebe- Flower art
11:00 - 12:00 Em & Harry- Sasa
1:30 - 2:00 Chantelle & Abby- Uganda 

Filming/Scripting for Episode 11
9:00- Ryan & Dylan- Film piglet story C- Isaac  D- Ryan
9:00- Nic C. & Finn- Script animation story
11:00- Jay & Isaac- Script speech comps

1:30- Jay & Isaac- Film speech comps  C- Milly  D- Georgie

Editing for Episode 11 (big lappy)
9:00- 10:30 Melissa & Cyzck- Anchors
11:00- 11:30 Kai & Ryan - Kapa Haka
1:30- 2:00 Ryan & Dylan

Please leave a comment below so Caroline knows you have read the blog.
Thanks, Chenthi the Awesome o)

Do you think that TV is a necessary item in life? (Question from Em :)

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Week 5

Friday- week 5
To do list:
Ep 10

  • 9:00 Yasmine and Nyah film, crew: Isaac and Lyndsay
  • 9:00 Harry and Em edit sasa story
  • 11:00 Erin, Emma, Ella, Emilee and Phoebe
  • 13:30/1:30 Nyah and Yasmine edit
  • 13:30/1:30 Chenthi and Melissa film Isaac & Ryan crew
Ep 11

  • 9:00 Finn and Nic explore stick motion then storyboard and script
  • 9:00 Ben and Hayden edit
  • 11:00 Melissa and Cyzck edit
  • 13:30/1:30 Jesper and Weston edit
Please leave a comment below and your name.
By Chenthi and Melissa
(P.S We are awesome, cool, funny and very intelligent o) )

Monday, 4 November 2013

Feedback Please!

Episode 9 is finally up! Well done everyone involved, you have made a fantastic effort.

It is time to hear from our viewers! We are interested in your thoughts on our episodes. Please feel free to leave comments in the comment boxes below if you have any constructive feedback or comments for us about things that are going well or things we could get better at. If you would like us to improve at something can you please write it in a positive way. We are always interested to know your ideas!

Remember to leave your name in the comment. The easiest way to do this is to scroll down the commenting options and  click 'name/URL' to leave your name. You don't need to leave a URL :)

Thanks, Caroline