Thursday, 31 October 2013

Friday Week 3

Hi Everyone,

Wow- these stories for Episodes 10 and 11 are really coming together! Episode 9 is complete and will be posted to the school website shortly. Ryan and Dylan I will photocopy your Lucky scripts and get them to you today. Thanks Samuel and Peteru for stepping in and helping Harry & Pouniu with their sasa story for Episode 10. If people are still keen we need reporters for a Year 8 leavers story. Anyone keen? Please write it in a comment below.

Friday Organisation:

Episode 10- 
9am-9:30 Kai, Lyndsay, Georgia and Em- edit Paremata Idol story.
9am till done- Yasmine and Nyah scripting into the wiki (negotiate times if you have lots on, but this will need to be finished today. We will film this Friday Week 5 9am at the Wave TV studio).
10-10:30 am- Jake & Troy edit AFL story
11am- Emma, Ella, Phoebe, Erin (and one other?)- edit until your story is complete.
12:00 Chantelle and Abby- Edit- Uganda story.
1:30 Editing that has not been finished yet needs to be finished.

Episode 11-
8:30 am- Ben & Hayden photographing road patrol. 
9am-10:30- Morgan & Emma edit scripting story
9am- Jesper and Weston storyboarding and organising the iMovie story ready to shoot after morning tea on Friday Week 5.
9am- Finn and Nic- let me know where you are at with your animation story.
10:30 Kai & Ryan film a sequence of haka actions in the hall. Whaea Tia will support you.
11:00 Ben & Hayden start editing the road patrol story.
12:00 Milly and Emily film storyboarding story in the library. Come to me at 11:00 to let me know what is happening or leave a comment below. Jesper and Weston to crew.
1:30pm- edit then interview Bryce at 2:00. Arrive 5 minutes early with Jesper and Weston, your WTV crew.

Thanks! See you this Friday. Remember there is NO Wave TV in Week 4. Thanks, Caroline.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Term 4 Planning

If you are involved in making Episodes 9,10 or 11 please make sure you watch the blog and WOT so you know what to do. Come to all meetings you are expected at the times you are asked as we have fierce deadlines. 

Here are the dates for Term 4:
Week 1 Friday Oct 18
Week 2 Friday Oct 25
Week 3 Thursday 31 Oct & Friday 1 Nov
Week 5 Thurs 14 & Fri 15 Nov
Week 6 Thursday 21 & Friday 22 Nov
Week 7 Thursday 28 & Friday 29 Nov

Wave TV 3 is on all day this Friday, not Thursday as I said last week. Can Yasmine, Nyah, Georgie, Milly, Em, Georgia, Kai, Ben Carson, Harry Dunn, Melissa, Cyzck, Jake, Troy, Brenna, Jesper and Hayden please meet me straight after the roll to scriptwrite and film. Erin, Emilee, Phoebe, Ella and Emma are filming after morning tea with Dylan and Harrison (yr 8) as crew. Other students will be called during the day as required. 

Episode 9. The goal for this Friday is to get Episode 9 completely completed. If it is you who needs to finish a story and your name is not in What's on Top please come along on Friday anyway. You did a great push last Friday so well done. We will call people throughout the day to checking OK their parts. Yasmin's and Nic - your story, due to illness last term, is the last to be completed so needs to be done this week. Please organise your backgrounds for NIWA if you haven't done so yet. This episode needs to be posted by the end of the weekend.

Episode 10. Well done also for your hard work. The stories for Episode 10 so far are:
AFL- Troy and Jake, crew Georgia & Em. Thanks Em also for helping with Garageband music.
Room 16's Flowers exhibition Ella, Emma, Emilee, Erin & Phoebe- Harrison & Dylan as crew.
Room 1b & 15's sasa  (Harry, Room 15)
The Gala- Milly & Georgie (crew?)
Paremata Idol finals (Em, Kai, Lyndsay & Georgia (own crew)
Year 8s leaving (Brenna)
There was also another story but I am not sure what it was? I'll check the board on Friday unless someone can remember and pops it in a comment below. Mrs Haswell would also like a follow up story in one of these episodes after her trip to Uganda. Perhaps Chantelle & Hayden can do this? Let's aim to get this episode out by Week 5 or 6.

Episode 11. This is supposed to be a 'How To' episode designed to help Wave TV 2014 know what they are supposed to to do as crew. We'll sort out who does what for this on Friday. There is also a 'How to' Kapa Haka component. Nic, you had a 'how to' idea as well that you have time to explore. This episode needs to be out by about Week 7 so people have a chance to watch it before school ends.

Next year will be a little different because we will work in small groups each of which will be led by those of our awesomely talented 2013 year 7s who are still interested in making and anchoring Wave TV. Hopefully we will be able to make 3 or 4 episodes per term in small groups of about 8. In the next week or so I will put the call out for expressions of interest in Wave TV 2014 from 2014's year 6, 7 & 8s.

Thanks, Caroline