On top of a busy term the Wave TV crew have worked hard to produce 3 episodes of Wave TV that are now up on the school website: episodes 6, 7 and 8. Please feel free to leave a comment below to give us any feedback on our news programmes. Episode 9 is nearly complete and should hopefully be posted by Week 2 of Term 4. We will complete two episodes in Term 4. Episode 10 already has 3 stories started. The stories in Episode 11 will be more about how we do things at Wave TV than school stories. It will be used next year as a 'how to' set of tutorials for the students who will make up the Wave TV crew in 2014. It will also celebrate our Wave TV year.
One thing that has stood out for me as we made these episodes was the willingness of students to take risks in order to tell their stories well. In presentations this ranged from Peteru's Batman hero to Morgan and Brenna's characterisation of disorganised news readers. While editing people tried new tricks such as exploring combinations of video, photos, music, sound effects, voice overs and transitions to create the mood they wanted and tell the story in the best way they could. I have noticed the reporters and anchors are getting really good at thinking about stories from the point of view of the audience. They have made their stories interesting and fun to watch as well as informative. The green screen research we did at the beginning of the term has really paid off because now we've got the lighting right we don't have so much trouble with people going see through. In episode 9 you will see something we call Movie Magic where we use all kinds of combinations of scriptwriting, filming, editing tools, green screening and cleverness to explore the possibilities of iMovie for telling our stories in the best way we can.
Well done everyone for a wonderful Wave TV term. A big Thank You list follows now! First of all a special thank you goes to the students who were part of Groups 1, 2 and 3 for helping me develop my teaching this term. You were so fantastic to work with! A huge thank you as well to Whaea Tia, Sally, Emma, Mrs Leggett, Miss Milne, Mrs Bassett and Rachel for letting these marvellous students glide so easily from their home classes to Wave TV and back each day. Further Wave TV thanks also go to Mrs Gorman, a staunch supporter of Wave TV, for letting students frequently film in the library and for supporting them as they do so. A big thank you to Bryce for encouraging and enabling us to get our multimedia processes up and running smoothly at Paremata School. Thanks also to Karyn for continuing to be the go-to photographer/ videographer for school events. I am not sure that your name appears in the credits at the end of each episode nearly as often as it should. A final great big thank you for this term goes to Em's dad and grandad who have happily lent us some wonderful lights to work with while we are figuring out what we need to buy for our studio lighting. Thank you all on behalf of the Wave TV crew.
Thanks Everyone,